Week 18
Whatever happened to week 17's newsletter?
Well, your guess is as good as ours! We just haven't a clue, really. This week's newsletter is then going to cover two weeks, please bear with the length – we have good things in store for you.
Adhivasa-kirtana - The opening songs of a festival (2005-2006)

Adhivasa-kirtanas mark the opening of a festival, occuring anywhere from a few days up to a month before the actual event. As festivals come in two flavors, the ananda-utsavas or festivals of joy, and the viraha-utsavas or festivals of separation, so there are distinct songs. This is the first half of the series, featuring almost five hours of kirtan.
View here! [audio]
Gaura Purnima 2005

Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, also known as Gauranga on account of his golden effulgence, appeared in the land of Nadia, Bengal, to bless the people of this wretched age with the chanting of the divine Names laden with unprecedented amorous love for God, Krishna. His appearance is celebrated annually on the full moon day of the month of Phalgun.
View here! [video]
Sri Kunjabihari Das Babaji's festival - Audio

This is a double release, featuring the audio for both the adhivas and tirobhava-kirtanas, a total of over four hours of audio. The audio has been recorded with a separate device, and is therefore of a higher quality than what's heard on the videos of the occasion.
View here and here! [audio]
Sri Priyacharan Das Babaji's Tirobhava-festival

With this entry, the earlier released festival of Sri Priyacharan Das Babaji from 2005 has been completed with the addition of an hour of beautiful adhivasa-kirtan. All files have been re-processed for higher quality and x264-versions have been added.
View here! [video]
Re-released materials
We are constantly re-processing the entries from last year and adding the new x264-versions for them to offer you the best size for quality ratio for your downloads. The following files have been updated:
Baba's Teachings series
Vraja Festivals series
In other news
With the worst of the updates out of the way, we are returning to routine and chewing on new releases. The DVDs should be coming out very soon, a dozen or so more videos need to be processed before it's ready. Those of you who have our banners on your websites may be interested in the new, automatically updating "Featured this week" banner found in the Affiliates section.
If you have any feedback, suggestions for improvement and the such – please feel free to get in touch, we like to hear from you!