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#06 - Lila - The pastimes of Krishna

#06 - Lila - The pastimes of Krishna
Topics covered in this episode:
Vasanta-lila – Pastimes in the spring-season coinciding with Vasanta Panchami.
Holi-lila – The inner meaning of Holi-lila, the festival of throwing colors.
Prakata and aprakata – Theological considerations on the manifest and unmanifest pastimes of Krishna.
Total running time: 23:39 min Total downloads: 4799
Recorded: Feb 1st 2005 - Mar 31st 2005 Published: May 31st 2005
Location: Radha-kunda: Brajananda Ghera

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#06 - Lila - The pastimes of Krishna

Running time: 23:39 min • Speaker: Sri Ananta Das Babaji Maharaja
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