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#02 - Glories of Vraja-dhama

#02 - Glories of Vraja-dhama
The abode of Krishna's pastimes appears in three distinct features, namely prakata-prakash or the divine manifest aspect, aprakata-prakash or the divine unmanifest aspect, and drishyamana-prakash, or the aspect visible for the mundane eye.
In the second episode of the series, Babaji Maharaja narrates the glories of Vraja-dhama, the most sacred of India's holy places, describing its history and the related theology.
Total running time: 29:23 min Total downloads: 5834
Recorded: Feb 11th 2005 Published: May 22nd 2005 / Updated: Apr 24th 2006
Location: Radha-kunda: Brajananda Ghera

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#02 - Glories of Vraja-dhama

Running time: 29:23 min • Speaker: Sri Ananta Das Babaji Maharaja
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