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Sri Kunjabihari Das Babaji's Tirobhava-festival (2004)

Sri Kunjabihari Das Babaji's Tirobhava-festival (2004)
The day of a great saint's passing away to the world beyond frequently becomes an annual celebration. The second entry in our Festival series presents the tirobhava-mahotsava, or disappearance celebration, of the late Sri Kunjabihari Das Babaji Maharaja of Radha-kunda. Footage from the festival is divided into three parts:
1. Adhivasa-kirtana - A gathering taking place in the evening two days before the festival, an opening to the celebration.
2. Tirobhava-kirtana - A gathering on the morning of the festival day where songs describing the life-story of the saint are sung.
3. Parikrama - Circumambulation of the sacred ponds of Radha-kunda and Shyama-kunda, carrying a picture of the saint on a palanquin.
Total running time: 96:49 min Total downloads: 12085
Recorded: Dec 23rd 2004 Published: May 23rd 2005
Location: Radha-kunda: Brajananda Ghera

Files for the entry

1. Adhivasa-kirtana

Running time: 41:21 min

2. Tirobhava-kirtana

Running time: 32:22 min

3. Parikrama

Running time: 23:06 min
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