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Maghi Purnima - Circumambulating Govardhan

Maghi Purnima - Circumambulating Govardhan
Maghi Purnima – the full-moon day of the month of Magh – is a popular day for pilgrimage, as flocks of pilgrims journey to the sacred Mount Govardhana for a twenty-two kilometer circumambulation (parikrama).
On this day, the devotees at Radha-kunda arrange a sankirtan-procession around the hill, stopping at Govinda-kunda to sing songs of Madhavendra Puri's discovery of the deity of Gopal.
Total running time: 55:26 min Total downloads: 5514
Recorded: Feb 24th 2005 Published: May 31st 2005 / Updated: Apr 27th 2006
Location: Govardhana / Govinda-kunda / Radha-kunda

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Maghi Purnima

Running time: 55:26 min
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