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Sri Priyacharan Das Babaji's Tirobhava-festival

Sri Priyacharan Das Babaji's Tirobhava-festival Sri Priyacharan Das Babaji was a respected mahatma, saint and teacher of Gaudiya Vaishnavism who lived on the banks of lake Manasi Ganga at the town of Govardhan. The footage from his festival is divided into three parts:
Adhivasa-kirtana - The opening songs of the festival.
Tirobhava-kirtana - Songs describing Radha and Krishna, followed by a song about the life of Sri Priyacharan Das Babaji.
Parikrama - Circumambulation of the sacred lake of Manasi Ganga that is told to have appeared from the thoughts of Krishna himself.
Total running time: 156:04 min Total downloads: 13477
Recorded: Feb 13th 2005 Published: May 27th 2005 / Updated: May 5th 2006
Location: Govardhana: Chakaleshvara, Priyacharana Das Babaji's ashram / Manasi-ganga

Files for the entry

1. Adhivasa-kirtana

Running time: 74:06 min

2. Tirobhava-kirtana

Running time: 51:40 min

3. Parikrama procession

Running time: 30:18 min
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