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Gopala-prakata-lila - Discovery of Gopala

Gopala-prakata-lila - Discovery of Gopala Several times a year, on blessed days such as Maghi-purnima, the full-moon day of the month of Magh, devotees from Radha-kunda gather and circumambulate the Govardhan-mountain with a procession to the accompaniment of kirtan. A part of the yearly tradition is a stop at Govinda-kunda, where the kirtaniyas sing the touching story of Madhavendra Puri's discovering the deity of Gopala from Chaitanya Caritamrita.
Tracks on the album
Gopala-prakata-lila - Discovery of Gopala (47:43)
Total running time: 47:43 min Total downloads: 5029
Recorded: Feb 13th 2006 Published: May 29th 2006
Location: Govardhana / Govinda-kunda

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Gopala-prakata-lila - Discovery of Gopala

Running time: 47:43 min • Singer: Sanatana Das Babaji • Author: Krishnadas Kaviraja
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